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Sound sculptures
beyond meaning.

Alternute kicks off the year with two debut albums. On February 14, 2025, Altermute arrives – a quiet, immersive sound experiment. Soon after, Alternoise follows – raw, impulsive, and full of energy. Two sides, one vision.


That’s Jürgen Fastje and Boris Niemann.

A guitarist of the old school, shaped by the floating sounds and timeless melodies of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. His fingers speak the language of decades gone by, molded by countless nights where music was his constant companion. Beside him stands a student, now a wanderer on new paths. One day, he silenced the guitar and reached for mouse and keyboard – tools that opened up another world, a world of pixels and frequencies, chaotic, unpredictable, but full of possibilities.

This is Alternute.

From this meeting, this dance between order and chaos, something unique, something unexpected emerges. Where Jürgen follows the clear lines of classical musical training, Boris weaves loops around these fixed structures with his untamed passion for digital sound experiments. The music meanders, roams, finds itself, and loses itself at the same time, always balancing between tradition and revolution.

Alternute is a wordplay without fixed meaning, a sound that encompasses everything yet leaves nothing tangible behind. It conceals and reveals in the same breath, letting sounds circle, whisper, roar, hum, and blink until the boundaries between soundscapes blur. Without a set concept, yet not aimless, the pieces follow an invisible thread, weaving them into a mysterious dance – meaningful and enigmatic, always searching for a dissonance that couldn’t be more perfect.

This music is a journey into the unknown, a dialogue without words, an encounter of worlds both strange and familiar. Every tone, every melody is a question to time, an echo from the past and a premonition of the future. Alternute is what you hear in the silence – and perhaps much more.

Major meets minor, beat meets boost, groove meets grip. In this world, sound becomes image, and image becomes sound. Each note is a color, each rhythm a brushstroke that shapes and reinvents the sonic canvas. Here, harmony and dissonance intertwine, flow into each other, dissolve, only to meet again in a new form.

It’s a game of contrasts, where the clear law of the major encounters the mysterious depth of the minor, where the driving beat is amplified by the pulsating boost, and the groove finds its grip, holding onto the edges of possibility. Nothing remains static, everything is in motion – a synesthetic journey where hearing and seeing, feeling and thinking, merge into an inseparable whole.

Here, the boundaries between the senses blur; the ear sees, the eye hears. Every tone paints a picture, every sound tells a story that unfolds between the lines of melody and the shades of light. It’s music that is more than just music – it’s an experience, a dialogue between worlds, a creation that is reborn in every moment.

In this cosmos of sound and color, there is no right or wrong, only what arises, what resonates, what finds a place in the infinite space of possibilities. Major meets minor, beat meets boost, groove meets grip – and what emerges is Alternute.